Islamic Medicines and remedies

It's truly amazing how many miracles there are in the Quran, no letter in the Quran is there for the sake of it but every symbol serves a great purpose and greater meaning to life death and everything before and after that. Among the many miracles of the Quran there are many many medicines and remedies which scientists have been using for decades. The Islamic empire taught the world everything from algebra to surgery, the greatest of empires has benefited the world more than many of us realise (due to Europeans taking credit for 'discovering' things that were already there after the crusades).

Everything good that happens to you (O Man) is from Allah, everything bad that happens to you is from your own actions. [An Nisa:79]

Our Prophet said: For every disease there is a remedy and when the remedy is made apparent, and then the disease is cured by the permission of Allah Almighty'". [Muslim]
Our Prophet said: He who has put diseases on the earth, has also put its remedy there. [Tirmidi]

(of health):
The generally accepted definition of health is "a state of complete physical, mental, and social well-being and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity", used by the World Health Organization (WHO)

Being a little poorly at the moment has given me the idea to share some of those Islamic medicines and remedies mentioned in the Quran and hadeeths. My dad also had cancer (which alhamdulillah the doctors say have cleared) but among the chemotherapy he was having he was also firstly making A LOT of du'a and secondly taking herbal medicines mentioned in the Quran and Sunnah. Even if you're skeptical that these natural remedies recommened by the Prophet pbuh there is no harm in trying them, because they are all natural products so should have no side effects (unless you have allergies). I have tried some of them and I have got to say they do really help alhamdulillah. What you've got to remember is that ultimately Allah cures your illnesses so if it is in His will you will be cured medicines are used as an aid. Remember to always say 'bismillah' before taking medicine because like I said only Allah will cure you not the medicine.

I hope you enjoy this post inshaAllah (=

-Olive oil
-Black seed

Dates & sugar substances- (pain relief)


IT is a long-established custom among Muslim parents to put a piece of well-chewed date (or other available sweet fruit) in the mouth of a newborn baby. Muslims do this following the practice of the Prophet Muhammad (Pbuh), believing him to be, as the Qur’an says, sent as a healing and a mercy to mankind. We may infer from the way this custom originated that there is a virtue in it. There is - complimentary to the virtue and pleasure of following the Sunnah (the practice of the Prophet) - placing a ‘sugary substance’ inside the mouth of a new-born baby dramatically reduces pain sensation and heart rate. An interesting scientific medical study, published in the British Medical Journal (No 6993, 10 June 1995), proved beyond any doubt the benefit of giving a new-born child sugar, in order to reduce the feeling of any painful procedure like heel pricking for a blood sample or before circumcision.

The study, entitled ‘The analgesic (pain killing) effect of sucrose in full term infants: a randomised controlled trial’, was done by Nora Haouari, Christopher Wood, Gillian Griffiths and Malcolm Levene in the post-natal ward in the Leeds General Infirmary in England. 60 healthy infants of gestational age 37-42 weeks and postnatal age of 1-6 days, were randomized to receive 2ml of one of the four solutions: 12.5% sucrose, 25% sucrose, 50% sucrose, and sterile water (control).

The first group of 30 babies received sugar syrup before a routine blood test (heel pricking, which is usually painful) done to detect jaundice. The other 30 babies were given only sterile water as a control group. Placing 2ml of a 25% or 50% sucrose solution on the tongue before pricking the heel significantly reduced the crying time, compared to babies who got water. Also, their heart rate returned to normal more quickly. The stronger sugar solution had the greater effect, crying being reduced further with increasing concentration of sucrose. From which we may conclude that sucrose (sugar) placed on the tongue may be a useful and safe form of analgesia for use with newborn infants.

Blass and Hoffmeyer also showed that 12% solution of inter-oral sucrose significantly reduced the duration of crying in new-born babies subjected to heel pricking or circumcision. This study was reported in The Independent newspaper (Friday 9 June 1995) as well as in the British Medical Journal article.

The practice of the Prophet (Pbuh) is recorded in the collections of his sayings and reports about him, of which the most revered are the two Sahih collections of Bukhari and Muslim: Abu Buradah reported from Abu Musa, who said: ‘I had a new-born baby; I took him to the Prophet Muhammad, upon him be peace and blessings, who called him Ibrahim. The Prophet chewed a date then he took it and rubbed the inside of the baby’s mouth with it.’ There are many other reported incidents like this one.

The date contains a very high percentage of sugar (70-80%); it has both fructose and glucose which have high calorific values, it is easily and quickly digestible, and very helpful to the brain. The date contains 2.2% protein, vitamin A, vitamins B1, B2 adnicotruic acid (against Pellagra); it has traces of minerals needed for the body such as potassium, sodium, calcium, iron, manganese, copper. Potassium, of which percentage is very high, has been found to be very effective for cases of haemorrhage, such as the occasions of birth or circumcision.

We may note that the Sunnah also commends dates for the breaking of the fast in Ramadhan. Dates should be eaten, if available, before the sunset prayer - this is medically and nutritionally the best way and the Sunnah.

The great worth of dates is also indicated in a famous and beautiful passage of the Qur’an, surah Maryam, verses 25-6:

And shake towards you the trunk of the palm-tree and it will drop on you fresh ripe dates. So eat and drink and be comforted.

This was the prescription of God, the Creator, for the blessed Virgin Mary at the time of the birth of Jesus, the blessed Prophet of God. It was a prescription to make the delivery easy and comfortable. As in the example we have briefly recorded, we believe further research will confirm for those who still doubt the full worth and truth, the wisdom, of the teachings of the Qur’an and Sunnah.

We shall show them our signs on the furthest horizons and within themselves until it becomes clear to them that it is the truth. Is it not sufficient that your Lord is witness over all things? (Fusilat, 41.53)

As the authors of the medical study referred to intend trying new sugary or sweet substances, we shall recommend that they try dates for the newborn for the relief of pain.


The Holy Qur'an says:"And your Lord revealed to the bee saying: Make hives in the mountains and in the trees and in what they build: Then eat of all the fruits and walk in the ways of your Lord submissively. There comes forth from within it a beverage of many colours, in which there is healing for men; most surely there is a sign in this for a people who reflect." (Qur'an an-Nahl 68-69) 

Listed below are some common problems which can be cured by honey:

Over the centuries, the great power and strength possessed by honey has been underestimated by scientists. It's an element whose curing ability has surprised all levels of intellect. A few of the very many cures from honey have been outlined: 
For burns: Apply freely over burns. It cools, removes pain and aids fast healing without scarring. Apart from being a salve and antibiotic, bacteria cannot live in honey.
Bed Wetting: A teaspoon of honey before bed aids water retention and calms fears in children.
Sleeplessness: A dessert spoon of honey in a mug of hot milk aids sleep and works wonders!
Hyperactivity: Honey is a mild sedative with minerals, vitamins, amino acids etc. Replace all white sugar with honey. White sugar is highly stimulating with no food qualities!
Nasal Congestion: Place a dessert spoon of honey in a basin of hot water and inhale fumes after covering your head with a towel over the basin. Very effective.
Wounds or Grazes: Cover wound with honey and a bandage. Excellent healer.
For Fatigue: Dissolve a desert spoon of honey in warm water or quarter honey balance of water in a jug and keep in the fridge. Honey is primarily fructose and glucose and so it is quickly absorbed by the digestive system. (Honey is a unique natural stabilizer - ancient Greek athletes took honey for stamina before competing and as a reviver after competition.)
Facial Deep Cleanser: Mix honey with oatmeal approx. 50/50 till thick and apply as a face-pack. Leave on for half an hour then wash off. Great as a deep cleanser for acne etc.
Poor Digestion: Mix honey with apple cider vinegar approx. 50/50 and dilute to taste with water. This aids digestion. (Also reputed to be wonderful for the joints.
Hair Conditioner: Mix honey with equal quantity of Olive Oil and cover head with a warm towel for half an hour then shampoo off. Feeds hair and scalp. Hair will never look or feel better!
Sore Throats: Let a teaspoon of honey melt in the back of the mouth and trickle down the throat. Eases inflamed raw tissues.
For Stress: Honey in water is a stabilizer - calms highs and raises lows. Use approx. 25 percent honey to water.
Anemia: Honey is the best blood en-richer by raising corpuscle content. The darker the honey the more minerals it contains.
Food Preservative: Cakes with honey replacing sugar stay fresher longer due to natural antibiotics. Reduce liquids by approx. one-fifth to allow for moisture in honey.
Heart Patients: These people are well advised to replace white sugar (sucrose) with honey, natural fructose and glucose.
Hay-fever: Chewing the tops of comb honey stimulates the immune system due to minute amounts of pollen. During the season chew for 20 minutes a teaspoon of bee capping (tops) five to six times per day. Highly effective and useful for asthma sufferers as well.
Baby's Bottle: Four teaspoons of honey to a baby's bottle of water is an excellent pacifier and multivitamin additive. If baby's motions are too liquid then reduce by half a teaspoon; if too solid increase by half a teaspoon.
Teething: Honey rubbed on a baby's gums is a mild sedative and anaesthetic.
Osteoporosis: English research has shown that a teaspoon of honey per day aids calcium utilization and prevents osteoporosis. Essential from age 50 onwards.
Long Life: One common fact worldwide is that the most long-lived people are regular users of honey. An interesting fact yet to be explained is that beekeepers suffer less from cancer and arthritis than any other occupational group worldwide.
Migraine: Use a dessertspoon of honey dissolved in half a glass of warm water. Sip at start of attack. If necessary repeat in 20 minutes. Always effective (insha'Allah) as migraine is stress related.
Conjunctivitis (pus in the eye): Honey dissolved in equal quantity of warm water. Apply, when cooled, as lotion or eye bath.
Cough mixture
  • 6 oz. liquid honey
  • 2 oz. glycerine
  • Juice of 2 lemons
  • Mix well. Bottle and cork firmly. Use as required


Out of all the cooking oils that exist, for example: vegetable oil, canola oil, sunflower oil, corn oil, nut oil, peanut oil, safflower oil, (just to name a few) are not healthy for the body, except for OLIVE OIL. Olive oil is the only oil that is healthy for the body. According to scientists, olive oil can help prevent cancer (even breast cancer), heart disease, rhumatoid arthritis, blood clotting (after eating a fatty meal) and help lower high blood pressure. Naturally grown or organically grown, cold pressed, extra-virgin olive oil is the best.

In the Holy Qur’aan, Allah (who is the Creator and Sustainer of all the Boundless Universes) refers to the Olive as a blessed tree:

Qur’aan 24: 35

"Allah is the light of the galactic heavens and the planet earth. The allegory of His light is that of a concave mirror behind a lamp that is placed inside a glass container. The glass container is like a bright, pearl-like star. The fuel thereof is supplied from a blessed olive tree, that is so vast it encompasses both east and west. Its oil is almost self-radiating; needs no fire to ignite it. Light upon light. Allah guides to His light whomever He wills. Allah thus cites the parables for the people. Allah is fully aware of all things."

When you buy olive oil in the store, you have to be careful because the majority of the olive oil in the store is not pure (they do not contain all the nutritional value that olive oil is supposed to have); trying to find real olive oil is like looking for a needle in a haystack.

In order to find real olive oil, it must meet the following specifications: (1) Extra virgin olive oil should have a free oleic acid acidity of no more than 1%, whereas ordinary virgin olive oil can have an acidity of up to 3.3% (this is not good). (2) Extra virgin olive oil is supposed to be cold pressed. (3) Extra virgin olive oil is supposed to be unfiltered and look cloudy. Most olive oil that you find in the store is factory-produced olive oil that looks clear. If it is clear, then it has been filtered, which further reduces the nutritional quality of the oil. Let me repeat: Real olive oil is not filtered; it looks cloudy. (4) The oil should be packaged in dark glass bottles to protect it from the damaging effects of light. Avoid buying oil that is stored in plastic containers because the oil can absorb some of the compounds used in the plastic, such as PVC’s (polyvinyl chlorides) which cause cancer.

When you buy your Extra Virgin Olive Oil, it should be stored in a cool cupboard away from sunlight and heat. You may refrigerate the olive oil, though this will make it more cloudy. The cloudiness will disappear when the oil returns to room temperature.

Now, as I have stated earlier: Naturally grown or organically grown, cold pressed, extra-virgin olive oil is the best. It is very important to be aware that just because you can find olive oil in the store that says "extra virgin olive" it does not mean anything because of the corruption that exists in the industry of food/health. There are those who exploit the masses of health conscious people, for profit. 
Kalonji (Nigella sativa)- Black seed 

By Dr. M. Laiq Ali Khan

The plants of Kalonji are found throughout India in the form of bushes. The height of the plant is approximately half a meter. It possesses blue flowers. It is originated from Turkey and Italy. Later on, it was brought to Asia by physicians and cultivated in India. Now a days, it is cultivated throughout India, whereas it is wildly grown too. Seeds are triangular in shape, black in colour and possess a severe pungent smell, contain a considerable amount of oil. It is incorrect that Arabs learnt its use from Greeks, because before the advent of Islam in middle east no description is found on record about it’s use. It’s therapeutic use was initiated after the advent of Islam, since, Prophet Muhammad (Pbuh) mentioned its therapeutic efficacy and potential of cure.

Hazrat Abu Hurairah States - “I have heard from Rasool Allah (Pbuh) that there is cure for every disease in black seeds except death and black seeds are shooneez.”
Salim Bin Abdullah narrates with reference to his father Hazrat Abdullah Bin Omar that Rasool Allah (Pbuh) said, “Let fall these black seeds upon you, these contain cure for all diseases except death.”

The same narration is found in Sanad-e-Ahmed from Hazrat Aisha (t) and in Ibn-al-Jozi and Trimizi from Abu Huraira. Hazrat Buraida narrates that Prophet Muhammad (Pbuh) stated - “Shooneez is cure for all ailments except death.”
It is stated in the books of seerat that Nabi-e-Akram (Pbuh) himself used to take these seeds for therapeutic purpose but with the syrup of Honey.

Khalid Bin Saad states that he was travelling with Ghalib Bin Jabr, when fell ill during the journey. Ibn Abi Ateeq (nephew of Hazrat Aisha) Came to meet us. On seeing the patient, he took 5 or 7 seeds of Kalonji and ground it, mixed it in olive oil and dropped in both nostrils, Hazrat Aisha told us that Prophet Muhammad (Pbuh) stated that there was cure in black seeds for all ailments except sam. I asked him, what was sam? he told “Death”. Ghalib Bin Jabr became healthy with that treatment. 

Observations of the scholars of Hadith reveal that shooneez is equally effective for the diseases due to heat and cold. Zahbi states that kalonji removes the obstruction of any part of the body, expels the gases and strengthens the stomach. It is Emmenagogue, Lactogogue and Diuretic. It is an Anti-Helminthic, if taken with vinegar. It is useful in chronic cold. Inhalation of its smell is useful in common cold. The oil of Kalonji is effective in Alopecia

Half tea-spoonful, if boiled in water and taken, is helpful in Asthma and diffuses the toxic effects of Bee and Wasps. Continuous use of kalonji is effective in mad dog biting. Fumigation of kalonji is useful in respiratory diseases. It is useful in paralysis, Facial Palsy, Migraine, Amnesia and Palpitation. It is also an expectorant and antipyretic. It normalises the secretions of stomach and pancreas. This phenomenon is very much effective and significant in the treatment of Diabetes Mellitus. It expels the kidney and urinary bladder stones, if taken with the syrup of honey. It is effective in jaundice also if taken with milk. It’s powder if taken with water is effective in Haemorrhoids. If Kalonji seeds are boiled in vinegar and this solution is applied on Gums and Teeth, it removes the inflammation of the gums and relieves the pain also. It is also reported that its fine powder is effective if applied in early stages of cataract. Kalonji is also used in skin disorders. The oil of the seeds is also effective in earache.

Chemical Composition - seeds contain 1.5% volatile oil, while 37.5% Non volatile oil. In addition to this Albumen, Sugar, Organic acids, Glucoside Melanthin Metarbin and bitter substances are also found. The Glucoside is toxic in nature, hence the use of Kalonji in large doses and prolonged use might be harmful.
If it is taken with Qust Sheering after breakfast and Dinner, it is effective in chronic dysentery and Asthma. Qust Sheering is a good medicine for sexual debility, but if it is taken with Kalonji seeds and Habburrashad, it becomes more fortified. Modern upto date trials have proved that Kalonji seeds alone or in combination with other drugs are highly effective in Diabetes Mellitus, vitiligo and other skin ailments.
(* Director, Shah Faisal Institute of Hadith & Medical Sciences, Kasganj-207123 ,UP)

SIWAK or Miswak

An Oral Health Device 

By Dr. M. Ragaii El-Mostehy, Dr. A.A.Al-Jassem, Dr. I.A.Al-Yassin, Dr.A.R; El-Gindy and Dr. E. Shoukry

A variety of oral hygiene measures have been performed since the dawn of time. This has been verified by various excavations done all over the world, in which toothpicks, chew sticks, tree twigs, linen strips, birds' feathers, animal bones and porcupine quills were recovered .
Those that originated from plants are tasty twigs and although primitive they represented a transitional step towards the modern toothbrush. It has been stated that about seventeen plants could be enumerated as natural sources for several of these oral hygiene devices.

The most widely used tree twigs since early times is the ..Siwak" or ..Miswak".The stick is obtained from a plant called Salvadore Persica that grows around Mecca and the Middle East area in general. It is widely used among Muslims after Prophet Mohammed ( pbuh ) realised its value as a device which should be used by Muslims to clean their teeth. In this respect our Prophet (pbuh) is considered the first dental educator in proper oral hygiene.

Although there is no reference to the use of Siwak in Al-Quran, yet several quotations could be read in the compendium of the sayings of Mohammed ( pbuh ) as to the benefits of Siwak in mouth cleanliness. One saying reads as follows:


Several anecdotes, incidents, and rules of ethics in using Siwak were mentioned in various references talking on the subject of cleanliness of the mouth.

Salvadora Persica is in fact a small tree or shrub with a crooked trunk, seldom more than one foot in diameter, bark scabrous and cracked, whitish with pendulous extremities. The root bark is light brown and the inner surfaces are white, odour like cress and taste is warm and pungent. 

Chemically the air dried stem bark os S. Persica is extracted with 80% alcohol and then extracted with ether and run through exhaustive chemical procedures. This showed that it is composed of:
     1 .Trim ethyl amine
     2. An alkaloid which may be salvadorine
     3. Chlorides
     4. High amounts of fluoride and silica
     5. Sulphur
     6. Vitamin C
     7. Small amounts of Tannins, saponins, flavonoids & sterols


Because of the great quality of oral cleanliness noticed in individuals who use Siwak as the sole device to brush their teeth and because of the low incidence of dental decay of those individuals this work was undertaken.
It is intended to study the following:

     1 .The mechanical ability of Siwak as a cleaning device to the mouth and its ability to rid the mouth of bacterial plaque (aggregates harmful to the gum)
     2. If Siwak is powdered and used with a toothbrush, could it act as an efficient mouth cleaner?
     3. As compared to other strongly abrasive toothpowder's, could Siwak rank as highly efficient as to the used material?


Oral hygiene and patient motivation towards a clean mouth owe their birth to the teachings of Mohammed (pbuh). Due to the repeated use of Siwak during the day, the users showed an unusually high level of oral cleanliness. It is a well known fact that plaque formed immediately after meticulous tooth brushing. By the end of 24 hours the plaque is well on its way towards maturation and hence starts its deleterious effects on the gingiva 8.

Proper oral hygiene should be maintained through intensive instructions by the periodontist as well as by a great expenditure of time and dexterity on part of the patient. This item is self corrected in Muslims because Siwak users take Siwak as a device that should be used as part of their religious ritual regimen.

The results obtained in this investigation have proved that Siwak and other tree twigs 9 could act as an effective tool in removing soft oral deposits. It could be even used as an effective device in preventive dental programme's in mass populations. The indices used in this investigations were simple and adequate as they discriminated between experimental stages as well as between experimental groups.

Using starch is not quite accurate but it was meant to evaluate the degree by which Siwak and powdered Siwak could rid teeth of deposits as compared to the best abrasive viz. commercial powder.

It is noticed that the difference between first and fifth week of the mean score of plaque percentage for powdered Siwak is the highest (-11.2%) of all readings. This indicates that powdered Siwak is used with t mechanically proper device i.e. tooth brush will give a great deal of oral cleanliness.

It has been reported that Salvadora Persica contains substances that possess antibacterial properties Some other components are astringents, detergents and abrasives 8. Those properties encourage some toothpaste laboratories to incorporate powdered stems and/or root material of Salvadora persica in their products (Beckenham U.K. Sarakan Ltd.).

Although the commercial powder gave a high degree of efficiency in plaque removal yet its use over the experimental period gave a high score of gingivitis percentage within the group using the powder. It is time that plaque eradication is essential but this should not be on the expense of deleterious side effect on other tissues.

It could be concluded that Siwak and powdered Siwak are excellent tools for oral cleanliness. Because of its availability in this part of the world, being inexpensive and readily adopted by Muslims as part of their religious regimen, it is highly recommended in implementing a preventive dental health program  Islamic countries. Also recommendations should be directed to manufacturers of toothpastes to include the powdered form of Siwak in a highly debriding sophisticated toothpaste. 

Barley (for heart & kidney)

The Prophet (saws) recommended Barley to cure grief's of heart and ailments of kidney
By Dr. M.Laiq Ali Khan

Barley crops are cultivated throughout the country during the season of rabi crops and utilized in various forms including the Barley flour. The plants of barley are very similar to wheat and the seeds are elongated in shape in comparison to wheat with a covering of light yellow colour. Prophet Muhammad (saws) liked it very much and used it in various forms such as barley bread, gruel and dough.

During the period of the Prophet (saws) the people either used to eat the Barley bread or to mix the wheat flour with Barley flour to prepare the bread generally. One lad used to sell the preparation from Beet roots and barley at the gate of Masjid-e-Nabwi on every Friday and it is said that holy companions liked this preparation as much as they used to wait for Friday eagerly. Ummul Manzar states that the Prophet (saws) along with Ali came to our house, we had the dates and those were presented to them. Both of them ate from those dates. When  Ali (Ra) consumed a little of those, the Prophet (saws) said
"You recently recovered from illness, hence you are weak, hence don’t eat more. Therefore, that lady prepared a dish from barley and beet root. Then, the Prophet (saws) told Ali "eat from it, it is better for you". (Ibn-e-Maja, Sanad-e-Ahmed, Tirmizi)
This proves that after illness, the preparation made from barley and beet roots is very good tonic for weak persons.

Anas Bin Malik states that a tailor invited the Prophet (saws) to meals. He prepared the barley bread and meat with Pumpkin. The Prophet (saws) very affectionately ate the pumpkin pieces from the curry. (Bukhari, Muslim)

Yousuf Bin Abdullah Bin Salam states that I saw the Prophet (saws) taking a piece of barley bread and put a date on it and stated that was bread’s vegetable (salan). (Abu Dawood)

The barley gruel was especially prepared after boiling barley with milk and sweetened with honey. That preparation was called as Talbina.

Whenever a person of the family of Muhammad (saws) fell sick then it was ordered that the barley gruel should be prepared for him. Then he used to state
"it removes the grief of the patients heart, removes its weakness as any of you removes the dirt from your face after washing it". (Ibn Maja)
Aisha (R.A) used to order preparation of Talbina for sick person and used to say "though the patient dislike it, but it is highly beneficial for him. (Bukhari)

Another narration is found on record from Aisha Siddiqua (R.A). Whenever anyone complained of loss of appetite to the Prophet (saws), He ordered to use Talbina and stated
"By Allah who hold my life, this removes the dirts of your abdomen as one of you removes the dirt of your face by washing it".
Powdered barley (Sattoo) was very much liked by the Prophet (saws). At the time of victory of Khaibar, the Prophet agreed to marry to Safia, the very next day he directed to Anas Bin Malik to invite the people to attend the Dawat-e-Walima of Safia.

According to the narrations of Tirmizi and Ibn Majah the walima comprised of dates and sattoo, but according to Bukhari a confection was prepared from dates, barley and sattoo and served before the guests.
In Nisai, Abu Dawood, Bukhari, Ibn-e-Majah, Tirmizi and Ahmed Bin Hambal, there are 21 hadiths recommending the consumption of Sattoo. Besides this the description of Sattoo is also available in other Hadiths.

According to the scholars of hadith barley is very nutritious and provides energy for the body, besides this is also beneficial in pharyngitis and cough. It resolves the inflammation of the stomach (Gastritis), expels the toxins from the body and a good diuretic. It quenches the thirst. Barley water is a good remedy in kidney problem, to quench the thirst and provide the best nutrition for indisposed and weak persons. Preparation of Barley water is described by Ibn Al-Qayyim. According to him, barley with five times water should be boiled, till the contents become 3/4 and the colour of the mixture becomes milky.

Scientists have found the following items during the chemical synthesis of barley- albuminoids, starch, fat, fiber, ash and water. Chemical composition shows that it contains the fat in the form of Leucosine Gluten Albumen, the compound of Nitrogen as palmatic Acid, Salisylic Acid, Phosphoric Acid. Besides, it contains Hypoxanthens. British Pharmacopoeia recommends Malt extract for internal use. It contains 4 per cent Proteins, the enzymes for digestion of carbohydrates and vitamins. Some scientists also indicate the presence of Arsenic in the barley grain.

The ancient physician’s explained various experiences regarding the use of barley. Ibn Sina says that the blood produced by consuming barley is neutral, pure and of low consistency.
According to Firdous Al-Hikmat the suspension prepared from one part of barley and fifteen part of water until after boiling this volume becomes 2/3rd of its basic solution, is beneficial for at least hundred diseases of the body.

Zam Zam Water

The water of Zamzam is water of great virtue which first sprang forth when Jibreel (peace be upon him) struck (the earth) with his wing (Saheeh al-Bukhaari, 3364). Allaah provided water for Ismaa’eel (peace be upon him) and his mother with it. The heart of the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) was washed with Zamzam water. Many saheeh ahaadeeth have been narrated concerning its virtues, such as:

The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said: “The best water on the face of the earth is the water of Zamzam; it is a kind of food and a healing from sickness.” (Saheeh al-Jaami’, 3302).

It was reported that the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) drank it, did wudoo’ with it and poured it on his head. He used to carry Zamzam water in small vessels and large containers in order to pour it on the sick and give it to them to drink. (al-Silsilat al-Saheehah, 883).

One of the Sahaabah said: we used to call it al-Shabbaa’ah (satisfying) and it helped us to take care our families (i.e., it was filling and helped them to do without food, it was also sufficient to nourish children). (al-Silsilat al-Saheehah li’l-Albaani, 2685).

The Messenger of Allaah (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said: “The water of Zamzam is for whatever it is drunk for.” (Narrated by Ibn Maajah, 3062; this is a hasan hadeeth. Scholars and righteous people have experienced this – they have drunk it with the intention of fulfilling some need such as healing from sickness or being freed from poverty and distress, and Allaah fulfilled these hopes).

And Allaah knows best.

There are sooooo many more natural remedies mentioned in the Quran and Sunnah such as honey with cinnamon, figs, cupping etc etc but these are the ones I had time for today. Hope you enjoyed this article (or articles rather) you can use it more as a reference point for when you need it inshaAllah because I know I will be! (=

Read more: iHijabi: Islamic Medicines and remedies



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